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Shepherding Others to See the Whole Picture

Chris anity is not just about a personal rela onship with Jesus Christ, it is a whole way of seeing life." Chuck Colson An important job for any pastor is to help their congrega ons see the bigger picture. Many mes your congregants come to church with a myopic view of the world caused by focusing on their own problems and the struggles of the week. Their eyes need li ed to see the world as God sees it. In 1 Corinthians 13:12 Paul challenges the church in this way, For now we see only a reec on as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. He is acknowledging that we do not see the whole world yet, but we will. So if we dont see the whole picture of Gods Kingdom quite yet, how can you as a leader help to expand your congrega ons perspec ve in their faith journey? Here are some ideas to encourage you: Use analogies in your sermons, small groups, Bible studies and Sunday School classes that are outside of what believers usually associate with church or faith. Help them see faith in every aspect of life by the stories you tell. Make sure to take advantage of the 6week curriculum Making Mondays Meaningful from our partners at the Center for Faith and Work and The High Calling. Click here to download. Ac vely focus your church outside of your building so that they are always asking the tough ques ons about how their faith relates to the world God loves. Pray for all spheres of life in your church. Find ways to encourage prayer for government, business, schools, family, sports clubs, etc. Make sure to watch our interview with a pastor who has radically changed his churchs Sunday morning rou ne to focus on sca ering into the world. Watch the video interview here. Highlight people in your church who see their faith in every area of life. Allow these people to be mentors and guides to the others in your church. Take a moment to read the excerpt from Abraham Kuypers Wisdom&Wonderand then ask yourself how you might use this resource focused on Gods work through art and science as a tool to expand your communi es understanding of their role in the world. Read excerpt here.

Visit for encouragement as you respond to the call where God has placed you.

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