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Congress of the United States ‘Bouse of Representatives COMMITTEE ON ENERGY ANO COMMERCE 17125 Ravourn Mouse Ovrce BULON Wasvevoron, DC 20515-6115 Novanber 17, 2010 Dear Republican Colleague: ‘The American people recently sent a message to Washington, opening the door on anew, ‘brighter day on Capitol Hill. We belive itis, as Ronald Reagan once said, morning in America| again, Now we tur tothe seriou business of organizing the new Hause of Representatives to do the work thatthe people have asked us to do, ‘That's why we, the undersigned members ofthe Committee on Energy & Commerce, ‘want to recommend our friend and colleague, Joe Barton, for Chairman of our committee in the 112 Congress ‘You know Joe. He has provided unyielding conservative leadership during our protracted partisan battles over cap-and-trade and health care reform. Under Joe's leadership, and despite being outnumbered and outgunned, we subjected the Democrats" health bill to 17 days of brutal markup, including a 10-day retreat by the Democrats {o regroup despite their overwhelming superiority of numbers. We devised 350 amendments and actually offered and debated 54 of them. ‘They won, but it was stubborn intelligent Joe Barton ‘who made certain thet they'd won a Pyrthi victory. ‘The hard work of opposing this bad bill pid off when the American people, having ‘gained real knowledge of the Democrats’ health bill, made their voices heard ‘Much the same happened on what was supposed to be the Obuma Administration's other signature legislation: cap-and-trade. The four-day markup challenged the Democrats and their theories of global warming and the American economy. Deals were offered and rejected as the possibility of 300 amendments and the actual debate on 47 of them exposed the failings ofthe president's anti-global warming plan to sunlight. We believe that, thanks again to Joe's Aetermination, the Democratic cap-and-trade freight train went of the rails, and a major threat to ‘America’s economy was stopped dead. Page 2 Last month, Joe rejected and killed the deal brokered by Henry Waxman to allow the (Obama Administration FCC to regulate the Internet for the first time. Finally, we want to also note that among Republicans in the House it was Joe alone who fought against the Speaker's unfair committee membership ratios and won. His pressure resulted in the Democrats conceding the addition ofa slot chat was then filled by the highly capable Steve Scalise of Louisiana, one of our most productive members, (Our fend and committe leader has been a principled conservative who you can count ‘in committe and on the floor. He served one tem as our chairman, and we believe itis «essential to the new mission of all Republicans in the House that he have the opportunity to serve ‘second term, Our members are going to be banking on strong, reliable leadership like Joe's as ‘we begin to pick up the pieces of the two-year liberal free-for-all. We encourage the members of the Steering Committee to support Joe’s selection to the Energy and Commerce chairmanstip in the 112° Congress, and we hope we can count on your suppor. ‘Ralph. Has Sincerely, Signatories [November 17, 2010 Letter to Republican Colleagues Ralph M. Hell John Shimkus Lee Terry Marsha Blackburn Cliff Stearns Michael C. Burgess Joe Pits Steve Scalise

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