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By Fayth E. Young-

Chapter 14
Unfortunate Situations
I know that no one else
can save me from myself
but these words, like painted glass
have frozen me between
Sing-Sounds under Radio

I woke up the buzzing sound of Jake's phone. The wind was loud
and violent and it was rather cold. I felt Jacob reach up to get the
phone. I heard him say something under his breath before he
answered. "Yes?" He growled quietly, like he was trying not
to wake me up.
"Jacob?" My dad's voice buzz through the reciever.
"Something wrong?" Jacob asked in a monotone.

"Can you do me a favor?" Dad asked

"What, do I need to ask Sue if you can borrow her Shake
Weight*?" I had to take a deep breath to keep from giggling,
and faught a smile. "Funny dog," Dad hissed, "Just have her
back around noon." I heard Jacob huff loudly before
replying,"Why? What's so important?" He growled. I was
wondering the same thing, also. "She needs to discuss with
us what happend and what she would like to do about it." Daddy
explained. I wanted to scream 'Oh c'mon!' "Fine." Jacob
snapped and I heard the other end of the call go blank. I felt
Jake's big soft hand on my waist and I was being lifted up, then I
felt him lying underneath me. I thought of throwing a smart remark
at him but I didn't and just pressed my lips to his skin, savoring it. I
allowed myhand to move up to his face and run my fingers down
the side of his smooth skin. His body shifted under mine as he sat
us up straight, me still in his lap. I reached up and rubbed my eyes
and manage to grumble out a "Morning." His lips pressed to my
chin then my lips, mine instinctly responded even though I was
barely awake. His hand ran through my hair, which was probably
a hot mess. He flashed me one of his amazing grins and
very simply asked, "November 12th?"
I wrapped my arms around his neck and sighed, "It seemed like a
good date to me, we can change it if you like ,Jake."
He shook his head like I knew he would, "I was just wondering."
I frowned, "I understand that I have to be home by noon."
He frowned with me and nodded, I looked down pressing the
crown of my hair into his chest, so he couldn't see my dissapointed
expression. He figured it out though and rubbed the back of my
head, soothingly. "I know you hate this, if I could...keep it all away
from you I would. Protect you from everything..." He sighed. He
was always trying to make everything better, even if it wasn't his
place. I looked up and him and tightend my arms around his
neck to hug him. I felt the blood pooling in my cheeks.
"It's not just that," I huffed. "I hate being away from you. I- I don't
really know how to explain it but...Yea." I finished.
He smiled crookedly and my heart skipped a beat.
"I know exactally what you mean, sweetie." He breathed.
There was a loud rumble from where our stomachs were pressed
together and I laughed, quickly kissing him and then rolling off his
lap to unzip the tent halfway. Jake groaned and got on his knees.
I slipped through the half opened door and flitted to my bag.
"Wait!," Jake called stumbling out of the tent and grabing my bag.
I looked at him skeptically as he rummaged through the bag, I saw
pink fabric and I instantly gasped.
"Jacob! I will not wear that." I gasped pulling the corset out of the
bag then realizing there were people not to far from us, shoving it
back in the bag. Jacob grabbed the tee I had planned to wear and
hid it behind his back and smirked. I growled and lunged for it
,having to reach behind his back. When I almost got it he held it up
in the air. There was no way I could reach it unless I jumped
abnormally high, and I couldn't do that here. I crossed my arms
staring at him. "That's not fair," I pouted. He rolled his
eyes and lowered his arm, I reached for my shirt quickly but he
pulled it away and puckered his lips. I growled and kissed my hand
and put it up to his lips. He shook his head no so I grudingly
reached up and pressed my lips to his. He smiled and handed
me my shirt. I stuck my tongue out at him. He acted like he
was going to reach for it again so I grabbed my bag and flitted to
the restrooms. I quickly pulled on my linen shorts and graphic shirt
and pulled my hair up into a perfect ponytail. When I was done I
shoved my old clothes in the bag and hopped out of the stall to
brush my teeth. A dark curly headed girl, well I wouldn't call her a
girl she was probably in her mid twenties, was cleaning one of the
mirrors. She glanced up at me and then did a double take, I smiled
at her kindly. After I finished brushing my teeth and was putting
up my toothbrush the girl spoke to me quietly.
"Do I ,like, know you from somewhere or something?" She asked.
I bit my lip like I was thinking, but I was positive I had never met
her before. "No, I don't think so." I said smiling again, her eyes
widend as I spoke. My voice must have caught her off guard.
Her voice was squeaky-ish, she bobbed when she talked and
overused her hands. "Sorry, you just looked ,like, really farmiliar."
"It's fine, it happens," I assured her. She held out her hand, it was
wet from the cloth but I still reached out and shook it, she jumped.
I quickly pulled my hand back and she spoke, "My name's
Jessica." Plain enough name, I started to walk past her anxious
to get away. "It was nice to meet you, Jessica." I called waving
to her,she frowned. I huffed loudly when I walked out, I wasn't a
people person at all. I skipped over to Jacob and slammed into
his back and wrapped my arms around his waist on purpose, he
jumped and I giggled. He pryed my arms from around
his waist and spun around. "Boo." I whispered, grinning
at him. "I'm so scared." He said
faking a gasp. I rolled my eyes then walked over to slip my
sneakers on. Jacob worked fast, everything was already packed
back up neatly. I could see Jacob already edging towards the little
restraunt. He was so attractive in everything he wore. He had on a
black skin tight long sleeved shirt with a hood and a pair of kahki
shorts. I grabbed his hand and smiled up at him. "We're
gonna just leave the stuff here for now," Jake informed me, already
dragging me up to hill. When we got into the restraunt the smell of
eggs and bacon flooded around me, I inhaled deeply. We sat in the
same place we did yesterday, right now they had a miniture buffett
out with all kinds of breakfast foods on it. Jacob was estatic. He
already had three plates and was walking back to our booth when I
was walking up to get mine. I snickered as I watched him balance
the plates. When I sat down with my plate I ate slowly and quietly
as Jake scarfed down his first two plates. It gave me a minute or
two to think about some random things. When he was starting to
slow down on his third plate I let my thoughts blurt out.
"You got jealous, or mad, or something yesterday when Ricardo
hugged me, didn't you?" I asked skeptically. His fork froze
midways to his mouth and he set it down slowly. He shrugged.
"I don't like anyone touching you." He mumbled, looking down.
I smiled at him reaching across the table to shove his head.
"I don't like anyone touching me either, but just because someone
does, doesn't mean they want to take me back to their house." I
laughed. His eyes narrowed, I suppose at the idea of it and then he
shoved in another mouthful of food .
"Yea well, all of them are attracted to you in some way, I can sense
it. It really grinds my gears, ya know?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.
"Well even if that was true-" I started to say but he jabbed his fork
at me and snapped, "It is true.".
"Would you let me finish ,Jake?" I sighed, he nodded so I
proceeded on. "As I was saying... If it was-" He rolled his eyes but
I ignored him- "true, they'd just be waisting their time because the
only person I want is you. And honestly, you don't have to worry
about Ric. I barely know him, and I'm not attracted to him in the
least bit."
Jacob scoffed, "Yea, I believe that, Ness."
I leaned back into the booth chair and pulled my hand up to my
head, and fluttered my eyelashes dramatically.
"Oh yes, Jacob. His hard, ice cold skin and one hundred year old
age number turns me on so much, I can't even think straight around
Jacob chuckled as I dropped my facade and smiled at him. He
pushed his plate away from him, I watched him with curious eyes
as he took one step just to plop down beside me and slide in my
side of the booth with me. I scooted down some to give him room.
"You know how stupid we probably look right now? Like one of
those mushy couples who can't stand to be two feet away from
eachother." I laughed quietly. He wrapped his arm around my
waist and leaned down to whisper in my ear,"Aren't we?"
"Jake, there's like, a lot of people here!" I gasped when I felt his
lips press against the hollow under my ear , then on my neck. I
started to pull away but his grip on my waist got tighter and I
couldn't move. He pulled my face to his and pressed his lips to
mine. I resisted at first but after about point twenty of a second I
gave in. I felt him smile against my lips, his hand dropped and his
kisses slowed. He allowed me to pull back and as I looked around I
noticed everyone looking at us, my cheeks turned crimson and I
bowed my head.
"Everyone is staring at us now, Jake." I hissed. He snickered, his
breath tickling my cheek.
"Yea, I was hoping for that. I had to pull another jealous boyfriend
act because some guy was staring at you." He said under his
I stared at him accusingly, he just brushed it off and picked up
another piece of a biscut to pop it into his mouth. After a moment
of chewing it thoughtfully he turned to me, "Are you ready to go?"
I frowned looking at his flawless face. Was I ready to go? To leave
him? I bit my lip kind of panicing at the thought of having to part
from him for awhile, it sent a aching in my chest.
"Can we go to a gift shop?" I asked. He flashed me a bright smile,
showing his pearly teeth. I could tell then that he also wasn't ready
to leave. He pulled his wallet out and laid the amount on the table
with the tip. He got up and held his hand out for me, I grabbed it
and he yanked me up, almost to hard and he catched to catch me. I
had to muffle a laugh. As we walked out everybody watched us,
even turned their heads to see us exit. I thought it was rude to be
nosey? Did that rule not apply to humans too? We walked slowly,
slower then any human, to the nearest gift shop that was almost a
replica of the restraunt on the outside. The gift shop smelled of rich
cinnamon with a musty scent to it. I hung onto Jacob's arm.
"What were you wanting to look at?" He asked gesturing to the
I shrugged, pulling him over to the right wall. It had a little bit of
everything on it. I grabbed a cowboy hat and stretched up to put it
on Jacob, he made the funniest face ever and I died laughing. He
picked up some sun hat and put it on me.
"Oh, this hat makes me feel so attractive." I giggled pulling it off
and putting it ontop of Jake's cowboy hat he had sat down.
"By the way..." Jake said turning me around to face the store.
"What is it?" I asked confused. He pointed to a few guys in the
corner, staring in this direction then over to a older man with his
wife staring over here,too.
"You attract,everybody,everywhere, anytime. I have every right to
be jealous." Jacob said pointedly. I rolled my eyes.
"They're probably just wishing they were as tall as you,freak face."
I teased, shoving his chest lightly. I glanced over at the three guys
in the far corner. I wrapped my arms his neck, pulling myself up to
his face, and smirked at the boys as I pressed my lips
enthusiastically to Jake's.I felt Jacob's body move under mine as he
I realesed Jake and quickly walked away to hide that I was
laughing from the others. Jacob casually looked over some
keychains like nothing had happend and the boys were glaring at
him. I wandered over to the paintings pretending to be looking
over then when a baby faced, blue eyed guy interrupted my train of
"May I help you?" He asked loudly. I turned to face him and his
eyes grew and he took a step back.
"No I'm just browsing, thank you though." I said kindly, hoping to
get rid of him before it upset Jacob.
"Did you go to Forks highschool?" He asked. I shook my head,
grimacing. "Oh sorry, you looked a lot like some girl that went to
my school, but a lot prettier. My name's Mike. I own this place."
I thought about it for a second, then realization hit me, I started to
fidget nervously. He had probably went to school with my parents.
"Nice to meet you Mike." I said forcing a smile.
There was a awkward pause then he asked,"And your name is...?"
"Renesmee." I cringed as I said it because it was so different.
He raised a eyebrow and spoke, "That's name."
I laughed breathlessly, anxious to get away from him.
"What's your last name?" He pressed, I gulped and looked over to
Jake who was intent on our conversation. He nodded to
me,reassuringly. I glanced back to Mike and flashed him a big
A low gasp escaped his lips, but I acted as if I didn't hear.
"Black." I answered simply. I managed to slip a quick look back
over at Jacob who was smiling crookedly at the ground, before
Mike claimed my attention again.
"Oh... Do you the Cullen family?" He blurted out, looking like he
was shocked at himself for asking.
"Yes, Carlisle and Esme are my aunt and uncle." I lied smoothly.
"That explains it." He sighed.
"Explains what?"
"Er... the way you look." He said, red threating to invade his
"Ah, yes. I see." I said simply. He was a odd boy, I could sense
that he had a big ego but his braveness was just a facade.
"Not that I mean that in a bad way- I mean you're really-" His
sentence cut off and I looked at him questiongly. I felt a big hand
on my hip and I instantly knew why his words droned off.
"Mike." Jacob said harshly. The guy looked like he had his jaw
wired open instead of shut.
"Jacob? I remember you." Mike said coldly looking up at Jake.
Jake brought his hand up to rest on the side of my neck and Mike
stared at it while he spoke. "Haven't seen you since Bella and
Edward got hitched."
"Long time. Things change." Jacob retorted quickly.
"It was nice to meet you, Mike." I said hurriedly, turning to push
Jacob towards the door before there was a problem.
As we were leaving I heard Mike, shouting in a whisper.
"It's that Black kid that was always with Bella!"
Another person asked something to low for me to hear.
"No! He's with Edward's cousin now, she looks just like Bella but
more like the rest of them. I think they're married because when I
asked her last name she said it was's just weird. After all
this time. Do you think they're still here somewhere?"
As we walked out I turned to Jacob.
"Let us not tell my family about this, okay?" I begged.
"Deal." He replied.

We walked back to Jacob's house and got the car. The ride had
been fun and Jake was driving extra slow to prolong our time
together. We were almost to my house and our joking and teasing
had gotten quiet. I ran my fingers down his hand then back up,
thinking about why I would need to be home so early. When the
car pulled to a stop in my drive way we both got out wordlessly. I
pulled my bag over my shoulder then Jake crushed me against him.
I wrapped my arms tightly around him and pressed my face into
his chest. We just stood there like that for a good two minutes
before I spoke.
"This sucks." I whined.
I felt his lips press to my forehead and he mumbled, "I know."
This the first time we've had to be away from eachother for a long
period of time since we had been...different together. It seemed
like one of the hardest thing I have ever done. I pulled back some
to look up at his face, he brought his hands up to cup my face.
"I am going to miss you so much," He growled, kissing my bottom
lip that was probably jutting out into a pout. I managed to capture
his lips before he could move away.
"I'll miss you much more," I challenged. I felt him smile and he
shook his head no. He stood up straight to where I could no longer
reach his lips and my body screamed with dissatisfaction.
"I like your hair longer,Ness." He said randomly, I could tell by the
change of subject he was about to leave. I made a quick note to
myself though not to cut my hair. I pulled him close again and
mumbled into his chest, "I love you."
"I love you, too." He assured me, his voice cracking.
I forced myself to pry away from him, you could almost hear us
being torn apart...for now, I reminded myself.
"I'll call you when I can," I promised taking small steps backwards.
"I'll be waiting. We can do something when you're done if you
want to." He said smiling half-heartedly.
I made myself turn around and run up the steps, I looked back
down at him and blew him a kiss. He pretended that he caught it
and winked. I smiled at him then opened the door and went inside.
When I took in the scene I was a bit taken aback. Everybody was
in a semi-circle around the enterance. My family in the front, and
the Denalis in the back.
"What's going on?" I asked, instantly alarmed at their stances. I
slid my bag down my arm and let it fall onto the floor beside me.
"Sweetie, we need to talk but first, you have to be calm and open
minded about this. If you can promise to do that for us I'll explain."
My dad said, coming foward to take my hand.
"Sure, Sure. What's wrong?" I asked scanning the room and
analyzing everybody's face, when I got to my dad's face he looked
away and nodded to someone. I turned to see people parting to let
the last person I expected to see here wallking towards me with his
hands up in a gesture, like you would see a person doing to
approach a frightend puppy dog. I let out a shaky gasp and pulled
my dad slightly in front of me. For a moment I wanted to turn
around and bolt out the door after Jake but, I knew my families
would never let him hurt me, in anyway. I gulped and stepped
foward, still gripping my dad's hand tightly.
"Why is he here?" I hissed.
"Renesmee-" He began but I whipped my head to glare at him.
"Nessie, Nahuel was under the influence of Chelsea and Aro,
obviously. While on his way back to Italy after...your
confrontation with him..."- Oh so that's what he was going to call
it, confrontation.
"He found a new born, it was feeding but could tell he wasn't
human. This newborn is very well informed of the Voltouri and
despises them just nearly as much as we do. She had a gift, and she
managed to break Chelsea's hold over him." Edward explained.
"Renesmee, I am so, so sorry for everything." Nahuel said, he
kinda almost looked like he was going to cry. I felt a twinge of
I released my dad's hand to step foward another step.
"So... you're Nahuel again?" I asked quietly. He smiled and
I bit my lip and raised my eyebrows. "So what's the situation?"
"Nahuel wants to stay here...with us. And try our life style."
Carlisle said almost silently. I felt a sharp jab in my stomach.
" 'Kay." I managed to squeak. I turned and walked back, picking
up my backpack on my way out.
"Where are you going?" My mother called after me.
"I need to take a shower." I yelled back darting down the steps and
across the lawn.
As soon as I was close to the cottage I pulled my phone out of the
side compartment and shakily dialed Jake's number. I took deep
breaths to stay composed while on the phone with him.
He picked up as soon as it rang.
"Ness, I'm not even home yet... Is everything okay?" He asked
worried. Right now not even his voice could calm me.
"I need you to come back, please." I said quietly, trying to push
down the lump in my throat to no avail.
"What's wrong?" He asked, going instantly serious.
"I just- come back and meet me at the cottage, okay?" I begged.
I heard the squeal of tires and an accelerating engine. I almost told
him to be careful but all I heard was a growl and then silence
because he had hung up the phone.

Jacob's P.O.V
Why is it so hard understanding;
Without you I'm incomplete
It's a love that is so demanding;
I get weak.

She was clearly upset. Her voice was much higher pitched then
normal. I was ready to scream, or beat, or do whatever it calls for,
to her parents, even my bestfriend. You do not mess with
The dirt spun up behind me as I pushed my piece of crap car faster
down the drive way. I'm sure the leach could here me now so I let
the insults fly though my head. I pulled the car into a stop halfway
down the driveway and jumped out. I flung myself over the hood
and ran towards the cottage, towards Nessie. I could smell her
fresh scent where she had just recently been through here. I pushed
faster until I could see the back of the house in my view as I
rounded the corner of the house I saw her. When she lifted her
head my heart fell into my stomach. Her eyes were rimmed with
red, tears were streaming down her face, and her whole body was
shaking with quiet sobs. I dropped down onto my knees beside her
and wiped one of the tears away from her cheek. I gripped the
bottom of her chin and made her look at me,
I was shaking but I didn't have time to worry about my anger right
now. She stared at me with a heartbreaking expression, she looked
so ...scared. What the hell could have happend to make her scared?
"What is it, Nessie? What happend?" I whispered, if I talked much
louder it would've been a growl or a yell.
She opened her mouth like she was going to say something but all
that came out was a croak followed my a loud sob. She opened her
arms which signaled for me to lean foward to give her a hug. I
quickly wrapped one of my arms around her waist and stroked her
back with the other. She wrapped her arms a little to tightly around
my neck, but right now I didn't mind.
"Shhh. Do you want to go inside?" I asked. I felt her head move up
and down. I kept my arm wrapped around her waist and the other I
used to place behind her knees to scoop her up. I stood up slowly
and walked in the door sideways. I layed her down on the couch
and had to pry her arms from my neck. I got a wet paper towel
from the kitchen and then pushed the table out of the way so I
could settle on the floor beside her head. I wiped her face with the
cool water.
"How could- they do this- to me?" She asked to no one I suppose.
What had they done to her? I wanted to go up to the house and
demand for them to tell me what happend but I couldn't leave her
alone like this.
"Honey, what'd they do?" I pressed. She let her head fall over so
she would be looking at me. she was so beautiful,even like this.
She tensed for a second then held her hand out for me to take , I
took it and was overwhelmed with her own thoughts and feelings.
She started where she had to leave me, there was anxiety. Then
when she got into the house and they all were standing at the door
and she was worried and confused. Edward started on some crap
how she needed to stay calm and I felt the need to punch hin in the
mouth without even really having a sufficent reason. She was
worried about her family. When I saw what they were talking
about I wanted to hit something, anything. Particuarly an ice cold
blood sucker. That was what made her scared. Edward explained
some bull about how he was healed, HALLEJUAH, etc.. I felt how
betrayed she felt and how much stronger the scared and betrayl felt
when Carlisle explained Nahuel was staying. The images cut off as
Ness dropped her hand.
I couldn't see straight. This was their daughter they were supposed
to PROTECT her. I felt my thumb crack from where my fist was
balled up, I hissed through my teeth as I reset it. Renesmee looked
at my hand then back up to me concerned. She reached out to
touch my face, there were no images this time, just trying to
comfort me. She was always trying to comfort me, no matter what.
I reached up to hold her hand there, then I kissed her palm.
"Everything is going to be fine, I promise. If he even looks like he's
going to touch you, I will kill him." I growled.
She jerked her hand back and I looked up at her shocked, she had
pulled herself up into a sitting poisition.
"Thats part of what I'm worried about!" She croaked, her heartbeat
sped up and you could tell she was freaking out.
"Nessie..." I sighed. I wasn't sure how to explain to her that I
wasn't able to do that. I had to protect her. I literally didn't have a
"Jacob, please! Promise me." The tears were getting the best of her
now. Her hands were shaking worse then mine, so I grabbed them
and leaned my head down to where the crown of my head was
pressed to the top of her chest. I pulled our hands up to my mouth
and kissed her palm again. She wiggled one of her hands free and
wrapped her arm under my chin and around so she could twist her
hand in my hair.
"You can't do that to me ,Jacob." She whispered.
"We'll talk about it, honey. Just calm down, for me."
Seeing her like this was breaking my heart. I don't think I had seen
her cry like this since the conflict with the big group of
I don't know how long we sat there, I couldn't stop kissing her, I
didn't know what else to do for her. She was being so quiet and I
could tell she was thinking, or trying not to think. She pulled back
up with a sigh, I lifted my head to find her staring down at our
"Jacob." She groaned,
I waited for her to say something else but she didn't. She just stared
at me. I needed so bad to be mad and everytime I looked at her and
thought of what they had done ,I was. But when I looked at her and
thought about her I was okay.
"Yea, babe?" I asked.
"I love you." She sighed.
I felt that same heat I had felt since the very first day every time
she said that. Right now, under the circumstances and knowing
how much pain she was in and she felt like saying the she loved
me sent a shiver down my back. I sat up on my knees and kissed
the top of her head.
"I love you also. So much, Ness."
She smiled a small smile but it was a genuine smile.
"Is there anything I can do for you?" I wondered,
She bit her lip and grabbed my hands standing up, pulling me with
her. She placed her hands on my chest and I could feel the heat of
her hands burning through my shirt.
"I'm going to go take a shower. Stay here...please." She said, she
sounded so pitiful.
"Of course. Anything." I promised.
She went to give me a hug but I scooped her up again and carried
her to the bathroom, I sat her down at the door. I gave her a quick
kiss on the cheek...then the neck...then the other cheek.
She laughed quietly and that plea of bells sound was so comforting
to hear. She smiled at me again then slipped into the bathroom
closing and locking the door. I slid down and sat with my back
against the wall. It sounded like she was washing off her face or
How was I going to handle this? I saw the way that freak looked at
her through what she showed me. I didn't believe he didn't like her,
or that she was safe with him. But I couldn't do a freaking thing
about it because it would hurt the person who mattered the most. I
would keep her away from him as much as possible. I'd have to be
around twice as much, which I didn't mind of course, but what
would I do about patrols? And I can't just keep her away from
home all the time. The wedding wasn't soon enough. I needed to be
able to take her away whenever I wanted, and claim her. She has
told me over and over I already can but it's not official yet and I
needed that.
At least I knew she had been thinking about it.
Gah, I wanted so bad to just run up there and rip that filthy little-
There was a bang from behind the door and it sent me straight to
my feet. I pounded on the door.
"Nessie?...Ness, are you okay?" ....There was silence.
"NESS. ANSWER ME." I yelled panicing, still nothing at all, I
listened closely and heard that her heartbeat was slower then
"RENESMEE PLEASE." I screamed again yanking on the
doorknob. It didn't budge so I rammed into the door with my side
and it fell off the hinges, I caught it before it could hit her and
threw it against the wall on the otherside of the hall. She was
laying half undressed, face down and the shower curtain under her,
the water was pouring down on her back. I felt like I was going to
be sick. Everything ran through my head from what to do, to
rembering her saying she would marry me.
I kneeled down over her and the water pounded down on me. I
rolled her over and her head just flipped over, her nose was
bleeding and her eyes were closed.
"NESS, don't do this. N-no no no. Nessie PLEASE!" A lump was
rising in my throat and it felt like my heart was being ripped out of
my chest. I didn't want to move her to much incase she hit her head
or something. I crawled into the corner of the shower beside her
and cradle her upper half in my lap and shielded her face from the
I didn't pay attention to anything but her face. Not even the words I
was screaming. I just know that I was calling for Edward, praying
that he could hear me...

Edward's P.O.V
(It's kinda short because that's all it called for :])
Don't breathe on me;
I'm underserving for your sympathy.
Cause there ain't no way that I'm
sorry for what I've did.

I flew out the door as soon as I heard Jacob. I knew that he was
probably with my daughter and I couldn't even see through his
eyes right now because his thoughts were so jumbled together. I
knew something was wrong with her. Carlisle was right behind me
and even though I had told her to stay at the house, Bella being my
Bella, was also following us. Everything was a blurr around me as
I dashed to the house. I almost slammed into it but I skidded to a
stop, I flung open the door and walked to the bathroom. When I
saw the scene before me my heart went colder then it had almost
ever been, almost.
Jacob had my precious daughter in his lap, her eyes were closed
and there was blood trailing out of her nose. They were both
soaking wet and Jacob was over her paler then ever, bawling his
eyes out.
"DO SOMETHING!" He yelled, his voice was two octaves higher
then normal and cracked as he spoke.
"Carlisle." I growled. I stepped over to the shower and cut the
water off, then yanked the towel down from the rack and wrapped
it around her. I went to pick her up but Jacob swatted my hand
away, I let out a harsh growl. How dare he.
"What if she hurt something?" He whispered looking up at me.
I felt bad or him for a second. I knew how he felt. I looked up at
Carlisle and he nodded.
"She's okay, Jacob. Just let me have her." I pleaded with him.
'If you hurt her I'll kill you....slowly.' His thoughts screamed at me.
I rolled my eyes. Like I would hurt my own daughter. I carefully
picked her up and carried her out the door to the couch. I heard
Bella gasp and one of the tearless sobs escape her lips. I wanted to
go to her and comfort her but I reminded myself that my beautiful
daughter who was hurt in my arms needed my assistance more. I
lowered her to the couch slowly, not josteling her. I stepped out of
the way to let Carlisle acess her. Behind me Bella was trying to
comfort Jacob who had seemed to literally of lost his mind at the
moment, I still couldn't get much of what happend out of his
thoughts except Nessie's face.
He whiped his nose and pulled away from Bella putting his hands
out in front of him to stop her from coming foward again. The pain
look that crossed her face made me want to slap him into next
week. But I knew how he felt, so I just went over and wrapped my
arm around my wife.
"She's just fainted, the nose bleed is from stress. Like any other
human her body had to shut down for a moment to protect itself. "
Carlisle explained. I remembered when that happend to Bella, he
had said the same thing to me then. Relief washed through the
room it seemed because my wife's sobs cut off. Well, it seemed to
have but Jacob still had tears running down his face and was
shaking horridly.
In his head he was debating between murdering me-which
wouldn't be a very good idea- or going to Nessie. I wasn't
concerned because I already knew which one he would pick. As
soon as Carlisle was out of the way Jacob was leaning over the
back of the couch, he reached down and touched her face
adoringly. I could tell that he was still worried but also relieved.
Watching him with my little girl like that, knowing the thoughts he
had about her... I knew that it was just any other male thing I had
allowed myself to do it with my Bella, but it was my daughter. Of
course not all his thoughts were... his desires. I knew how much he
loved her and that he was willing to do anything for her, that's the
only reason I'm allowing this. He deserved her, but did she deserve
better? That's partially the reason I am letting Nahuel stay, a little
competition is healthy, right? I knew she wouldn't change her mind
but just to get under his skin... Nahuel had already expressed to me
his feelings of Nessie with his faults, but he promised not to do
anything out of proportion. I heard new thoughts approaching.
'I hope she's okay. Should I really be going out here? It's obvious
the wolf boy doesn't like me.' Nahuels thoughts got closer and
closer. I unwrapped my arm and Bella looked up at me. I gently
pressed my lips to her's and darted out the door motioning for
Carlisle to follow me. Bella stood at the door, "Stay inside with
Jacob." I told her, she nodded and closed the door. I froze and
Nahuel skidded to a stop in front of me.
"I was coming to-" He stumbled over his words so I cut
him off by holding up my hand and nodding.
"I shouldn't of come your house- I mean all."
Carlisle stepped foward and placed a hand on his shoulder.
This startled Nahuel's thoughts but it didn't show on his face.
Carlisle spoke gently as always, "You are welcome here whenever
as long as you abide our rules. You must put yourself in Renesmee
and Jacob's shoes first and understand it's hard for them to forget
and trust you again after what happened."
Nahuel looked at me.
'I want to see her, even Jacob and give my apologies. But then, I
would like to be alone with Renesmee. Just to explain to her and
hopefully she can explain to the- to Jacob.'
I knew there was going to be no easy way to do this, but it had to
happen evintually if we were going to be living together for a
I nodded and warned, "Jacob has very ill feelings towards you and
we will try our best to keep him calm long enough for you to
explain, but I make no promises."
'Are you sure this is a good idea, son?' Carlisle's thoughts paniced.
I shook my head slightly, I don't think Nahuel noticed.
"And Nahuel, I don't believe you should tell Nessie you feelings
for her. It would be bad for" I said smirking. Before
we could turn to go back to the house there was a loud growl as I
heard Jacob's thought screaming profanties at us, one thing was on
his mind and that was getting to Nahuel. The door tore open and
my Bella was screaming "Jacob, Don't!"
I was suprised at the fact he hadn't already burst into a wolf,
regardless he was charging right at us. He slammed into me , it
knocked the breath out of me but I held onto him as he growled
and snarled.
"You can't have her, she is MINE! I will kill you, I swear to God I
will! Touch her and you'll be burning to ash in two seconds! Don't
even THINK about her like that. She would NEVER take you." He
boomed, my ear drums rang for he was yelling right in my ear. I
felt a hard shove as he pushed me back, I let a hiss escape.
"And you, out of all people, I thought wouldn't allow this. She is
scared and she feels betrayed because of YOU." He spat jabbing a
finger at me. "If you weren't her father I would kill you. If anything
happens at all, if he even accidentally touches the back of her
hand, and she doesn't give him permission, I'm taking her away so
fast you won't even know what happend."
That struck a chord. Him threating me, to take my daughter away?
I slipped into a crouch,my hands cawls at my sides and he also
"You stupid pathetic mutt, you think she is your's but you're
'Edward, control yourself.' My adoptive dad thought.
'Bring it leach. You think you can be a dad but all you care about
is blood and getting some from your wife. You're no father.'
I felt the venom pool into my mouth as my insticts searched for the
best way to attack him. One of the only two things that could stop
me right now happend.
"Stop it! Stop!" A high pitched voice rang.
I glanced up to see through the door, Nessie trying to get up off of
the couch but my Bella trying to hold her down but she was
fighting her weakly-well what was weak for my daughter- and
Bella kept holding her down.
"Why are they fighting? Stop them! Jacob!" She cried out.
I slipped back to my normal poistion and glanced at Jacob. His
head was turned to the door and I could already see his body
itching to run back to her. He glared at me harshly before jogging
off to go to her.
I turned to Nahuel and motion for him to come foward.
"Sit beside the door until we tell you it's okay." I instructed before
running back to the house to check on my little girl.

Renesmee's P.O.V
I won't run
When the sky turns to flame
And I sure won't budge
When the earth does shake
When the flood comes up
I will dance in the rain
'Cause it's all the same to me
-Anya Marina

What had happend? The last thing I recall was turning the water on
so I could get in the shower. Did I fall asleep or something? I was
laying on the couch half-naked with a towel wrapped around me, I
was soaking wet, and there was a little bit of dried blood on my
upper lip, I quickly wiped it off. My mom was hovering over me
with a worried look.
I looked around her out of the door to see my dad crouching.
What was he doing? I glanced a little bit farther over to see his
glare fixated on Jake. Carlisle was in front of Nahuel, like he was
protecting him. I groaned and my mother jumped.
No No No No. Not Jacob and my dad.
I went to jump off the couch but my mom's arm flew out to catch
me around the waist. I pulled at her arm but I knew it was
"Stop it! Stop!" I shrieked, still struggling with Bella.
"Sh, Ness. They're okay." She whispered but I payed little mind to
"Why are they fighting? Stop them! Jacob!" I called for Jake
because I knew he would come and I couldn't do anything else.
He hesistated then started running back, my father, Carlise and
Nahuel following behind him. As soon as I saw Jacob's face I was
even more worried, his eyes were rimmed with red and his face
was wet with what seemed to have been tears. He literally threw
himself down beside me, bouncing me up in the air. He brought his
hand up to my face and barely placed it there, it was almost
hovering like he was afraid I would break. A tear slipped over his
waterline and I gasped. "Oh, Jake! What's wrong?" I reached up
and wiped the tear away with my thumb then he lunged foward to
give me a tight hug.
I wrapped my arms around his neck a little confused.
"You can't ever do that to me again, Renesmee. If you do I'll have
to hurt you. You scared me so bad." He mumbled into my wet hair.
I breathed a quiet laugh at his second sentence which I knew was a
complete lie. But he did seem scared...
"Did I like die or something?" I asked jokingly, I heard my father's
farmiliar chuckle. Then Grandpa Carlisle spoke, "You fainted."
I raised a eyebrow that no one could see because Jacob was still
hanging onto me. I pulled back some and his fingers squeezed my
waist before he let me go, his hand went right to mine.
I furrowed my brow. "I don't remember anything, really."
Carlisle took a step foward obviously intriuged.
"What is the last thing you remember?" He asked.
I shrugged slowly, "I just remember getting ready to get in the
shower then it was like I was in a dream."
"A hallucination." Carlisle stated, I had no idea so I just nodded.
He turned to my father who was comforting my mother and got
into a conversation with them, it sounded like a bunch of mumbo-
jumbo. I think that I was still kind of out of it. I noticed Nahuel's
head slightly leaning in the door staring wide eyed straight at me.
My arm instictively flew up to cover my torso.
"Jake, I'm going to change." I informed him. He nodded like he
was trying to make his hand let go but he couldn't. He looked kind
of shocked when I slowly stood up pulling him with me. But when
I started walking to my room he went willingly enough.
When we got into my room I let go of his hand and he went to sit
on the middle edge of my bed picking up one of the stuffed dogs
,examing it and then plopping it down in his lap. I walked into my
closet and went to the back corner with the comfy clothes and
stripped down and got redressed with new garments and some blue
jogging pants and plain white V neck that clung to my skin, I liked
it because I could hide my hands in it. I didn't feel like doing
anything much with my messy hair so I grabbed a headband
pushing it back and then foward to make a slight 'poof' in the front,
I just ignored the dissaray of random little hairs sticking up over
the band.
When I walked back out Jacob was still staring down at the stuffed
animal. I flitted over in front of him and jerked the dog away and
dropped it onto the ground. He looked up at me slowly and smiled
half-heartedly, Even with him sitting down he was as tall as me.
I grabbed his hands and interwined our fingers then pulled his arms
around my back, leaving my hands with his. I pressed my lips
gently to his and they were rougher in response. I, of course, let
myself give in. He tightend our arms which pressed me closer to
him. He stared up into my eyes, not saying anything. A weird
feeling washed over me, the way he was staring at me just held so
much love.
I pressed against his knees and he parted them so I could stand
between them, I captured his upper lip and kissed it slowly, I felt a
shiver run through him and I smiled in satisfaction.
"I.Love.You" He growled kissing up my jaw, I was really caught
off guard when his teeth brushed against the bottom of my earlobe.
I gasped and he quickly pulled back, blushing and examing my
"Sorry," He whispered looking down.
"No!" I said a little to loudly. I ducked my head and kissed him
deeply, his lips chased after mine which brought his head back up.
I was shocked at myself when I allowed my tongue to trail the
inside of his bottom lip. He sighed loudly into mouth and he
released my hands and pressed them roughly into the small of my
back. I moved my hands up to the sides of his neck. I felt Jacob's
feet lock behind my ankles, holding me there.
"You want me forever, right?" He asked pulling back to kiss under
my chin. How could he even doubt that?
I ran one of my hands up to grab a handful of his hair as best as I
could and yanked it back, making his head tilt backwards.
I glared at him before lowering my head to kiss right above his
jugular and his chin. I looked back up at him and smirked, he
smiled crookedly at me.
"Of course I do. Who else could handle you?" I asked, sarcasm
His big hands clasped around my hips easily, he pressed me closer
pressing me against his stomach, he pulled his head up quickly, he
newly short hair slipping through my fingers. He tilted my head
back with his and his nose trailed down behind my ear when he
hoarsely whispered, "Nobody."
I dropped my head back down and managed to get a few more
kisses before there was a loud huff. Jacob and I slowly turned our
heads towards the door to find my father standing there, arms
folded, and rather annoyed. Jacob snickered and planted another
kiss on my cheek. I was kind of upset with my dad for even
thinking about fighting with Jake so I gave him one more
prolonged open-mouthed kiss before pulling away. Edward shook
his head and came in, closing the door behind him. Jake pulled me
down onto his lap and wrapped his arms around me. I watched my
dad curiously as he pulled out the stool to my vanity and sat down
in front of us.
"Jacob, I apologize for earlier." He started.
Jake just stiffend and raised his eyebrows.
"I know the two of you don't trust Nahuel. But I am asking you to
give him a chance." Dad continued, as he said this Jake grimaced
and the veins in his neck popped out a little.
I leaned my head onto his shoulder and scooted up on his
"We're just going to try this, okay? It wasn't his choice to do what
he done. And I know there are...feelings he expresses that neither
of you are comfortable with him having but he has promised not to
act on them. He just needs somebody right now, so here we are.
Now, he wants to come talk to the both of you. And I have to
admit I am kind of forcing you to do this, and I'm sorry. But you
need to." he finished.
Jake's eyelids were squeezed close and I could feel the tension in
his arms. I just nodded to my dad and gestured to the door.
As soon as he walked out I wrapped my arms around Jacob and
kissed him on the top of his cheekbone.
"It's going to be okay, Jake. If it gets bad we'll make him go."
He let his eyes flutter open and he nodded. I ran my thumb down
his jaw trying to sooth some of the strain there.
"He want's to take you, Ness." He whispered. I shook my head
rapidly. "He will never, Jacob." I promised.
The door creaked open slowly and Nahuel slid in, he left the door
cracked a little and I guessed it was my fathers orders. It looked as
if they had given him a makeover...kinda. His hair was cut into
what I suppose you could call a "skater boy" look and he had on a
blue t-shirt and some jeans, with a pair of boots. He wasn't bad
looking before, but he looked a lot better now.
"Hey." I said confidentally, I felt so, so much better with Jake.
"Hey guys." He said quietly, standing awkwardly at the door.
I nudged Jake and he looked up at Nahuel and raised his eyebrows.
"I am so sorry for everything that I've put you two through."
Nahuel said. And I felt Jake's head snap up, he smiled arrogantly.
"That's okay it only brought us closer together." He said
Nahuel grimaced and looked down, I felt kind of bad for him.
"Well I'm glad." He sighed, giving a fake smile.
It was silent for a moment but we all couldn't ignore the big
elephant in the room and I guess Nahuel couldn't take it.
"Jacob, I'd like to talk to Renesmee alone, please."
It happend so quickly I wasn't exactally sure what happend but I
think Jacob sat me on my bed and jumped up because when
everything came back into focus Jake was in Nahuel's face fuming.
"Absolutely not." Jacob growled menacingly. I had only met
Nahuel a few times a long time ago but I had never seen him be
rough. He gritted his teeth and growled back at Jake.
"Stop it, you guys!" I hissed jumping up and getting in between
them. They wouldn't budge so I placed my hands on their chests
and shoved them away. I didn't really think about it being a big
deal but when I looked at Jake his eyes were popping out of his
head and staring murderiously at my hand on Nahuel's chest.
Nahuel was staring at it ,too but in more of a adoring way. I
dropped it quickly and backed up into Jake grabbing his hand.
"I'm not going to listen to you two fight. It's really annoying. Both
of you need to know you're place,"-I was directing that to Nahuel
mostly- "and chill out." I huffed.
They glowered at eachother still but backed off. I turned to Jacob
and hooked my arms around his neck. I stood up onto my tiptoes
and gave him a longer, more intimate kiss then necessiary but I
wanted to make sure Nahuel realized... When I let go I smiled at
"Wait for me outside? I'm pretty sure I can hold my own."
He looked at me agonized but nodded. On his way out his glare
held Nahuel, the whole way. I jumped when I heard the door slam.
I looked at Nahuel nervously but smiled kindly. "Yea?"
He smiled fully now.
"I was hoping we could be friends. I haven't had the chance to
really make friends, and I think you would be a good choice." He
"So... you're asking me to be your friend?" I asked slightly
A pale blush came to his cheeks as he nodded. I laughed,"Okay."
I was hesitant but I couldn't go around just hating him and not
trusting him for however long he was here.
"I'm sorry I came here, I know it bothers you. It's just... I think they
killed my aunt because I have yet to find her and-"
"Nahuel! I'm so sorry." I said interrupting. I felt really guilty now.
He looked really upset and I'm not sure what possessed me to do
this but I cautiously wrapped my arms around his neck, when he
put his hand on my hip I quickly pulled back. It was just a friendly
hug on my part, but I could tell this would be more difficult then it
I forced a sheepish smile. It was silent for a second before I spoke.
"So now that we're friends can I run to you with all my girly
problems and gossip?"
He laughed, "Only if I can come to you with all my manly
frustrations and dillemas."
I pondered it for a second then held my hand out to him,"Deal."
We shook hands as if we were sealing a buisness transaction.
I felt the smile slip from my face and I bit my lip.
"Nahuel, I'm trying to trust you, don't mess it up okay?"
I whispered. His eyes grew solemn and he nodded.
"I'm going to find Jacob, I'll talk to you later."
He grimaced but moved to let me walk by, I heard him follow me
out so I sped up and walked outside without even saying anything
to my family. Jacob was pacing back and forth with two step
When he saw me his face brightend up and he leaped over to me. I
went to hug him but he pulled away, placing his hands on my
shoulders. Rejection stung me.
"Nessie!" He groaned.
"What, what'd I do?" I whispered, forcing myself to look in his
"You smell like him. He was really close to you wasn't he?"
I shrugged, "Not really, we hugged for like two seconds..."
He groaned again and let his hands drop, he turned away from me.
He turned away from me.
"I knew I shouldn't of left." He huffed. He ran his hands through
his hair, the tendons in were standing out and I worried that he
would pull some of it out.
"Jake. It was only about three minutes. Nothing happend. I'm sure
you heard to whole conversation." I sighed.
His head lowered and his fists balled up at his side.
"You're going to try to be friends with him."
His voice was low but you could still hear the cracking.
I stepped foward and locked my arms around his stomach, I placed
my face into the place under his shoulder blades.
"Why don't you trust me, Jacob? What have I ever done to make
you not trust me? I can't think of anything." I avouched.
He spun around to grasp the sides of my face firmly between his
hands and he stared down at me, since he was right in front of me I
had to lean my head back to stare back at him.
He didn't say anything and just kept gazing at me so I let my eyes
close and head drop down.
"I trust you. I just get scared." He admitted softly.
"Scared of what?" I asked impatiently.
"Losing you." He replied simply.
"See that's exactally what I'm talking about, Jake!" I snapped, "I
tell you and promise you all of the time that I love you and you
won't lose me. Nobody can take me away and I won't leave...even
if you ask! Evidentally every time I tell you that you don't believe
me or ignoring me. So I'm just waisting breath."
He rolled his eyes, "I would never ignore you, Nessie."
I reached up and grabbed his face like he was doing with mine.
"Then I'm going to say it one more time... Jacob Black, I love you.
Nobody will ever take me away. I see no one else but you, I don't
care if they look like a greek god or a Calvin Klein underwear
model, it's you and you ONLY. My heart is your's, I am your's, and
these words I am saying to you right now are your's. You are the
first and last person that I will say this to. So remember them and
believe them."
I felt another one of those annoying lumps invade my throat as he
silently watched me. I held my gaze with him as I let my guard
down and invaded his head with my thoughts repeating what I had
just said to him again and let him feel the truth behind those words.
The love, the connection and adoration, I had for him.
I let it snap back to me after a minute of letting him see.
His eyes narrowed as he leaned down towards me.
"Who do you think you are running around stealing people's hearts
like that, Renesmee Carlie?" He breathed, pressing his lips onto the
bridge of my nose.
" I'm not sure but I'm positive there's only one I'm interested in." I
retorted quickly. That dark hazy look took over his eye again.
I hadn't experienced that look very much but from what I could tell
it always ended with me getting rejected, I changed the subject.
"Do you still want to do something?" I asked.
He looked at me confused for a second then he remembered.
"At Charlie's place the packs and a bunch of other people. You're
parents are probably going to go ,too. But I was thinking
afterwards we could go see a movie or something if you wanted."
He shrugged.
A dinner at Charlie's house with a bunch of people where Jake and
I couldn't be alone, not so appealing. A movie, appealing.
I just flashed him a bright smile and nodded, I lifted myself up to
give him a quick kiss then pryed myself away.
"What time do we have to be there?" I wondered
"Err... I think like four or something." He responded, glancing
down at his wrist as if a watch would magically appear. I did the
math in my head estimating it was about two-thirty.
"Well I need to go take a shower and get ready then, I guess." I
informed him. "You can get ready here if you want to. I think some
of your clothes are still in that bottom drawer."
He looked at me paniced and I rolled my eyes. "I don't think I'll
faint again today ,Jake. Plus, I feel dirty. I am getting in the
He nodded and I grabbed his hand dragging him inside with me.
Everybody was standing up around the table and when we entered
they all jumped to turn and look at us except my father.
I spoke to my mom, "I'm going to go with you guys to Charlie's
place but me and Jake are gonna' go see a movie after, is that
She smiled, obviously pleased I seemed sane enough to go out. She
glanced at my father and he just shrugged, I already knew they
wouldn't say no because of what I had to put up with
-coughNahuelcough- already because of them.
My mom nodded and I smiled again at them thankfully, then
headed down the hallway to my room towing Jake with me.
"Stay in here." I demanded, staring at him accusingly. He fell
backwards onto the bed with a loud grunt, giving me a thumbs up.
I quickly dashed to the bathroom shutting the door securely
behind me. I had just got redressed and it felt weird stripping down
again, but I did regardless and I placed them in the hamper. I
turned the water on almost as high as it would go and jumped in.
The water felt good, relaxing all the muscles in my body. I washed
my hair quickly anxious to get the conditioner in, my hair had been
abused the past two days. I hurriedly washed off while I let the
conditioner soak in and then I washed it out, also. I let the water
beat down on my face for a second before I hopped out.
I grabbed a towel and as I was drying off with it, it struck me that I
had not brought my new clothes in here with me. I internally
kicked myself as I got a towel from the little cabnet and I wrapped
it securely around me. I glanced to make Nahuel or Grandpa wasn't
in my line of sight and they weren't, I made a mad dash to my
room and then froze outside my door remembering Jake. I peered
in to look for him but I didn't see him. I stepped in cautiously and
tiptoed to my big walk-in closet. I should've known better though
because I had told Jacob to stay in here, so of course he would. I
rounded the corner just as he was standing up from getting his
clothes out of the dresser. I froze midstep almost and I felt my
cheeks ignite, my stomach clench.
Jake stared at me wide-eyed for a moment before he brought his
eyes up to my face and then above my head.
"Sorry, I- I'll turn around or something until you can get passed me
or something." He mumbled.
My teeth dug into my bottom lip as I took a step foward to step
around him. "That'd be stupid, Jake. Just go get in the shower."
He hesistated for a moment then ,almost tripping over his own feet
which was unusal, took off for the bathroom. When I heard to door
click shut I let the towel fall to floor and flew over to my garment
drawer pulling them on in record speed. There was a abrupt knock
on the door and someone walked in without permission. I instantly
started scouring for something to cover my self until I saw Alice
float in.
"Geez Alice! You scared the beejebees out of me." I sighed.
She cracked as smile. I wasn't worried about being like this in front
of Alice she was just like my sister more so then aunt.
"You're mom told me you and Jacob were going on a date."
I turned to glare in the direction of my mother's presence.
Alice was here to torture me. I forced a smile.
"I think I've got it covered Alice, thanks though." I said.
She grimaced and folded her arms, obviously doubting.
I rolled my eyes and held my hand out to her, so took it hastily and
after a second of observing what I had in mind she let go.
A huge grin broke out on her face and she jumped up and down.
"Oh, Nessie! I have taught you so well! You even got the bra right!
I am so proud." She chided. I smiled sheepishly.
She turned to leave but spun back around.
"Can I do your make-up and your hair, Nessie? Please, please,
pleaseee!" She begged.
"Fine," I snapped. "But nothing dramatic like red or black."
She rolled her eyes at me this time, "I would never do your eyes
red, it would take away from your beautiful hair." With that she
I located what I had planned, I'd observed them multiple times
before so they were fairly easy to find.
I pulled on some dark grey skinny jeans, and then slipped on a
white button up shirt that hugged my -well as my mom would call
it- curvy features, I left three of the buttons at the top unbuttoned,
feeling pretty rebellious. I pulled on a peacoat like jacket but the
sleeves were ruffled all the way down, it was absolutely adorable
in a professional way. I skipped over to the shoe wall and picked
out a pair of heels that looked like a converse kind of until you
reached the back where it had a deadly tall, thin heel. When I
glanced in the full legnth mirror I was kind of shocked at myself. It
was a very innocent outfit but at the same time sexy and casual. I
almost buttoned one of the buttons back up but ignored the urge. I
then transferred my cell phone and the money I took with me
camping into a sleek red clutch along with my fake ID. As I was
finishing up Alice danced in holding ,what I assumed to be, a big
make-up case.
"Sit, sit!" She said ushering me to the vanity chair.
"Remember, simple." I warned her.
"Yeah, yeah I know, miss simpleton. The make up shouldn't take
to long since you don't need much. It would be a sin to put
foundation on a face like your's. Eyeliner looks amazing on you,
I watched as she fished around laying a few eye shadows down,
she kept one in her hand. "Close." She demanded. I closed my eyes
and a second later I felt the brush painting it on. I was plesantly
surprised she did it so quickly, even though she only put on two
I felt her drag something wet on the bottom of my eyelid.
"What the heck is that?" I asked, grimacing.
"Liquid eyeliner, silly. Top knotch brand, it stays on better." She
replied like I was supposed to know.
"Open and look up." She comanded after a little bit.
I did as she said, I tried not to flinch as she ran it on my waterline.
She quickly brushed masacara on. Then she put a shiny light pink
lipstick on me and traced around it with lip liner.
"You didn't need it becuase your lips were already full but,There."
She commended, standing up straight.
She stared at my hair for a moment, It was nearly dry now. It dried
much faster then a humans, she sprayed something in it and then
grabbed up handfuls of my hair, scrunching it. It was curlier then
normal because of whatever she had put in it.
"I'm so jealous of your hair." She sighed, she combed the top flat
and a few of my bangs covered the side of my left eye.
As soon as she hopped back I heard the bathroom door creak open.
"I'm good even without seeing." She boasted.
She gave me a wink and she collected her things. I jumped up and
gave her a tight hug before she exited, Jacob stepped aside to let
her out and as she passed by he patted her on the head.
I laughed quietly. He turned to lean against the doorframe, he
opened his mouth like he was going to say something but stopped
as his eyes raked over me, I looked down hiding my blush.
After he didn't say anything for a while I decided I needed to.
I shrugged, "Alice."
He took a few giant steps to close the space between us.
"She knows what she's doing. You look amazing." He breathed.
He had on dark blue jeans and his boots, with a tight navy green
His muscles, espicially his abdomen, never ceased to set off the
good cleanching feeling in my stomach.
"Thanks, Jake. But it's just like what she makes me wear every
other day." I said sheepishly. He looked shocked at that, raising a
eyebrow. He took his finger and made the shape of my neckline on
his own chest. The blood pooled even more in my cheeks, I nodded
with realization.
"So, um... What time is it?" I asked feeling a bit uncomfortable.
He glanced down to his wrist, "A freckle past a hair."
"You're such a dork, Jacob." I huffed like I was annoyed, I walked
around him out the door.
"Your dork." He grumbled following me to the living room.
Since I havent posted anything in a bajillion
years and I'm having MAJORRRRRRR writers
block, I posted this. It's a little bit more then half
of chapter 14. Who knows I might even end
chapter 14 here and add in an extra chapter for
fun. IDK yet. But I figured I could just do this
for you dedicated amazing people. I just havent
gotten many responses from my stories lately
and it makes you feel like D: I dont want to
write I must suck. but then I realized it's ok [:.
Anyways I rambling. andddd I'll post another
video sometime on my youtube channel trying to
explain everything. By the way, theres probably
a lot of mistakes cause I only read over it sorry.
Please rate comment and subscribe ;D and
forgive me for being so absent.

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